McKellar Acton
Semen Available Now: $30/straw, $40/certificate
Contact McKellar Angus, email contact info or call (903)285-3032 or (903)572-0025
  • McKellar Acton was the high selling bull of our 2013 Production Sale, selling to Acton, Inc. of Beatrice, NE.
  • He is a full brother to the rare, original Connealy Consensus (15513367).
  • He is powerfully made, big hipped and carries meat down deep into his flank and quarter. He is long bodied with a great stride and square on all four corners.
  • On top of his phenotype, he performed well at all points of production. Adding to that, his scores on the Zoetis HD50K® DNA profile improved his figures across the board. These DNA scores are listed below. (Scale of 1 to 100, 1 being optimal)


His full brother...

Connealy Consensus
Reg. 15513367

The one and only Connealy Consensus continues to have a monumental impact on the Angus breed. His powerful sons have repeatedly topped the Connealy Angus Bull Sale and can be found on many stud rosters and as herd sires at many purebred operations. Consensus is a resident herd sire at Connealy Angus, Whitman, Nebraska


His dam...

Blinda of Conanga 004
Reg. 14220093
Blinda of Conanga 004 is the dam of the legendary Connealy Consensus (15513367). She joined our donor program in the spring of 2010 as our "Pick of the Dams" purchase from Connealy Angus. She is a beautifully made Rito 6I6 daughter. Eight of her sons sold in our 2013 production sale, they averaged $11,000.  

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© 2013- J.M. McKellar Cattle Co. LLC - PO Box 2223 - Mount Pleasant, Texas - 75456-2223 - (903) 572-0025 - (903)285-3032